The Confrérie du Sabre d’Or is devoted to promoting the act of Sabrage and the enjoyment of Champagne around the world.
The Heart of the Order is the growing number of Caveaux de Sabrage where Sabrage may be performed. The Caveaux range from small restaurants and Wine Bars to the grandest of Hotels. They all have two things in common: Champagne and fun. This is a wine and far too good to be left only to special occasions.
A program of events throughout the year held at prestigious venues gives all our members and their guests excellent value for money and plenty of opportunity for Sabrage as well as enjoying excellent Champagne and food.
We welcome the opportunity to introduce you to the Confrérie and the fun of Sabrage.
des États-Unis d'Amérique
Philippe Milgrom
Maître du protocole
Jeanne Ruderman
Secrétaire général
Darryl Gugig
Trésorier général
Jordan Yelinek
Chevalier Sabreur
Consul pour la Californie du Nord
Sebastien Taveau
Chevalier Sabreur
Consul pour la Californie du Sud
Karen Cantrell
Consul pour la Géorgie du Nord
Robert Scruggs
Consul pour la Géorgie du Sud
Darryl Gugig
Consul de la Louisiane
Christian Pendleton
Chevalier Sabreur
Consul du Massachusetts
Aaron Habibipour
Chevalier Sabreur
Consul du New Jersey
Brian Mandel
Chevalier Sabreur
Consul du Washington
Marc Verstaen
Chevalier Sabreur
Jeanne Ruderman, Patrick Caraco, Laurent Caraco, Philippe Milgrom & Laurent Khaiat